Human Foods That You Can Safely Feed Your Cat

Human Foods That You Can Safely Feed Your Cat

Please note: This article was written for informational purposes only and we are not medical professionals. As every cat has unique needs, we recommend always consulting your vet before introducing a new food, substance or material to your kitty.

So, here is my theory: cats only want to eat what you’re eating. It doesn’t matter how much money you spend on the highest quality, healthiest cat food; they will still make painstaking efforts to dip their paws in your cereal bowl (I speak from experience, by the way). And usually, because you just can’t resist (I mean, sometimes you physically can’t resist), you will cave and offer them a tiny lick or a nibble—sometimes even two or three, if you’re feeling particularly generous. There isn’t much harm in an occasional treat, right?

Luckily for your furry friend, some human foods aren’t so bad for them. You might be surprised to learn about many of the snacks from your own plate that your kitty can safely eat. Whether you’re willing to share is another question!

Here is a list of human foods cats can eat (please note that these goodies should only be given to your kitty in small quantities as a treat, not as a replacement for regular cat food):


In moderation, cheese is generally harmless to cats. However, many cats become lactose-intolerant as they grow older, so it might be a good idea to either start with a tiny amount, or stick to low-lactose cheese.


Contrary to the advice of many pet books, raw eggs can make your kitty sick, so make sure they are cooked, to avoid salmonella poisoning.


Image from Carnivore Style
Cats are carnivores, so small quantities of meat is usually okay to give them, as long as it is cooked, skinless, unsalted and unseasoned.

Melons and canteloupe

It’s true! You should, however, remove the seeds from melons, as they can be difficult for kitties to digest. Other cat-friendly fruits include bananas, apples (without the skins), and blueberries.


The peas should be taken out of the pods, as kitties might find them too tough to eat.


Good news—you no longer have to enjoy your morning oatmeal alone! Plain oats are completely fine for kitties to eat; in fact, as a source of vitamin B, oatmeal can be found in some cat foods. That being said, like the other foods on this list, it should only be given to your kitty as an occasional treat.


Low in calories and high in fiber, pumpkin makes for a yummy and healthy treat for your feline.

While some human foods are okay for cats, other seemingly harmless foods can cause stomach aches, diarrhea, digestive problems, or even more serious health issues. According to RSPCA Australia, foods to avoid include chocolate, nuts, grapes and raisins, fruit seeds, avocados, onions, garlic, coffee and caffeine, raw or undercooked meat, and tomatoes. When in doubt, consult your veterinarian, or stay clear of it altogether. It might be hard to say no to that precious furry face, but it just isn’t worth the risk!

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